Friday, March 7, 2008

The Anatomy of the Brain

The encephalon is an incredibly complex and of import organ. It impacts almost every facet of our day-to-day lives, from basic carnal mathematical functions like external respiration to higher cognitive accomplishments like communication. The complexness of the brain, however, is both a approval and curse. On one hand, it lets world to accomplish intellectual deeds unequaled by any other animate being species on earth. On the other hand, it do the encephalon a very delicate organ. Even apparently minor hurts to the encephalon can have got of import and long-lasting effects on a person's mental and physical health.

A Critical Organ

Because the encephalon is so important to the mathematical functions and endurance of the human body, the organic structure has, in turn, developed respective layers of support and defence designed to nourish and protect the brain. For example, the encephalon have a disproportional amount of O and blood flowing - approximately 20% of the sum amount used by the body. This is remarkable, when one sees that the encephalon only accounts for 2-3% of the body's sum mass. What this also states us is that the encephalon necessitates a very big amount of O to survive. Brain cells can get to decease off after lone 3 proceedings without sufficient oxygen.

Defense Mechanisms

The encephalon and cardinal nervous system are insulated and secure by a assortment of bodily defense. To get with, they are enveloped by a series of three membranes collectively known as the meninges. The outermost and toughest of the three meninx is called the dura mater. Underneath it is the arachnoid mater, characterized by a spidery, web-like appearance. The arachnoid membrane mama mathematical functions as a type of shock-absorber for the brain. The innermost layer of the meninx is the pia mater, which is a very thin membrane responsible for providing nutriment to encephalon matter.

Between the interior layer (pia mater) and the center layer (arachnoid mater) of the meninx is a spread known as the subarachnoid space, filled with cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF. CSF is a clear, watery fluid which supplies cushioning to the brain, as well as a fundamental barrier against noxious microorganisms. The encephalon essentially drifts inside this liquid shock-absorber.

A concluding layer of defence for the encephalon is the skull. Often overlooked (paradoxically) because it is so obvious, the skull is actually, in most cases, a very effectual word form of defence against physical trauma. Contrary to what many people think, the human skull is not a solid piece of bone. Instead, it is composed as a kind of scroll saw puzzler of 22 os pieces joined together by stiff sutures.

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